Dr. Marco Teli
Spinal Surgeon
Surgeons STP Italy
Past President, Eurospine
The Spine Society of Europe
- Milan
- Varese
Special Interests
- Spinal reconstruction and deformity.
- Clinical & basic science research in above fields.
- Robotic assisted spinal surgery.
Summary of CV
- Spine Tango chair, 2019-2021, Eurospine.
- President elect 2019-21, Eurospine.
- Executive member 2010-2012 and Treasurer 2014-2018, Eurospine.
- Honorary Lecturer, University of Liverpool medical degree course (Spinal disorders), 2016 to date.
- Faculty, Eurospine Instructional Courses (Destructive diseases, Degenerative, Deformity). 2005-2016.
- February 2021 to date: Consultant and Clinical Director, Spinal Surgery, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Casa di Cura Rizzola, Venice, Italy.
- February 2016 to February 2021: Consultant Spinal Surgeon, Walton Centre NHS Trust, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Currently, Honorary Consultant.
- October 2011 to January 2016: Consultant and lead, Spinal service, Orthopaedic Department – Ospedale Civile di Legnano, Legnano, Italy.
- April 2010 – October 2011: Consultant and lead, Spinal service, Orthopaedic Surgery Department – Policlinico San Marco, Zingonia-Bergamo, Italy.
- January 2003 – March 2010: Consultant, Spinal Surgery Department – R.Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy.
- January 2002: Spinal Fellow, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, London, UK
- June 2001: Fellow, European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
- November 2000: Assistant Consultant, Orthopaedic Department – Luigi Sacco University Hospital, Milan, Italy.
- November 1998 to April 1999 and August 1999 to February 2000: Visiting Fellow – SpR grade, Orthopaedic Department – Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK.
- October 1998: United Kingdom General Medical Council full registration.
- 1994: Graduated in Medicine and Surgery.
- 1992 to 1994: BSc research program, Institute of Pharmacology – University of Milan. In vivo studies on neuromuscular transmission, antiblastic and cardioinotropic agents.
Diploma & Courses
- United Kingdom General Medical Council Specialist Registry (No. 4568195).
September 2016. - Univeristy of Cambridge IELTS test pass (8.0/9 grade).
- Fellow of the European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EBOT).
June 2001. - EU Specialist degree in Orthopaedics and Trauma surgery (Dir. 257 EEC 8/8/91).
October 2000. - University of Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (No. 006IT0188002).
June 2000. - United Kingdom General Medical Council full registration (No. 4568195).
October 1998. - EU Medical degree (Dir. 93/16 EEC 5/4/93).
June 1995. - Degree, Medicine and Surgery cum laude.
July 1994.
Peer reviewed publications – Book Chapters
- 25 yrs Eurospine. Brain and Spine 2023
Guarda il file in PDF - SPINE20 recommendations 2023: One Earth, one family, one future WITHOUT spine DISABILITY
Guarda il file in PDF - Anterior To Psoas lumbar and lumbosacral combined with posterior reconstruction in Adult Spinal Deformity: A bicentric European study.
Guarda il file in PDF - SPINE20 recommendations 2022: spine care – working together to recover stronger
Look at the PDF file - Degenerative cervical myelopathy: Neuroradiological, neurophysiological and clinical correlations in 27 consecutive cases.
Look at the PDF file - SPINE20 recommendations 2021: spine care for people’s health and prosperity.
Look at the PDF file - Posterior segmental fixation for thoraco-lumbar and lumbar fractures: a comparative outcome study between open and percutaneous techniques.
Look at the PDF file - Importance of balance and profile in adult spinal reconstruction.
Look at the PDF file - SPINE20 A global advocacy group promoting evidence‐based spine.
Look at the PDF file - Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine.
Giuseppe Emmanuele Umana, Marco Teli, Bipin Chaurasia, Maurizio Passanisi, Gianfranco Longo, Angelo Spitaleri, Marco Fricia, Santino Ottavio Tomasi, Giancarlo Ponzo, Giovanni Federico Nicoletti, Salvatore Cicero, Massimiliano Visocchi, Gianluca Scalia.
Look at the PDF file - Trans-thoracic versus retropleural approach for symptomatic thoracic disc herniations: comparative analysis of 94 consecutive cases.
Christian Soda, Franco Faccioli, Nicolò Marchesini, Umberto M. Ricci, Marco Brollo, Luciano Annicchiarico, Cristiano Benato, Ivan Tomasi, Giampietro P. Pinna & Marco Teli.
Look at the PDF file - Acute bilateral foot drop due to lumbar disc herniationhttps://marcoteli.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/trans-thoracic-versus-retropleural-approach-for-sy.pdf treated by bilateral interlaminar approach: case report and literature review.
Nicolò Marchesini, Umberto Maria Ricci, Christian Soda & Marco Teli.
Look at the PDF file
- Giant intradural extramedullary spinal ependymoma, a rare arachnoiditis-mimicking condition: case report and literature review.
Nicolò Marchesini, Christian Soda, Umberto Maria Ricci, Giampietro Pinna, Franco Alessandrini, Claudio Ghimenton, Riccardo Bernasconi, Gaetano Paolino & Marco Teli.
Look at the PDF file
- Chronic neck pain and treatment of cognitive and behavioural factors: results of a randomised controlled clinical trial.
Monticone M, Baiardi P, VAnti C, Ferrari S, Nava T, Montironi C, Rocca B, Foti, Teli M. Eur Spine J 2012 (3) (Epub ahead of print).
Look at the PDF file - Prospective study of a new dynamic stabilisation system in the treatment of degenarative discopathy and instability of the lumbar spine.
A. Zagra, L. Minoia, M. Archetti, A. Corriero, K. Ricci, M. Teli, F. Giudici. Eur Spine J 2012 (2) (Epub ahead of print).
Look at the PDF file - Measurement of forces generated during distraction of growing-rods.
Teli M, Grava G, Solomon V, Andreoletti G, Grismondi E, Meswania J. World J Orthop 2012 3:2; 15-19.
Look at the PDF file - Reliability and validity of the cross-culturally adapted Italian version of the Core Outcome Measures Index.
Mannion AF, Boneschi M, Teli M, Luca A, Zaina F, Negrini S, Schulz PJ. Eur Spine J. 2011 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print].
Look at the PDF file - Spine stability after implantation of an interspinous device: an in vitro and finite element biomechanical study.
Anasetti F, Galbusera F, Aziz HN, Bellini CM, Addis A, Villa T, Teli M, Lovi A, Brayda-Bruno M. J Neurosurg Spine 2010 Nov; 13(5): 568-75.
Look at the PDF file - Higher risk of dural tears and recurrent herniation with lumbar micro-endoscopic discectomy.
Teli M, Lovi A, Brayda-Bruno M, Corriero A, Zagra A, Giudici F, Minoia L. Eur Spine J 2010 Mar;19(3):443-50.
Look at the PDF file - Results of the spine-to-rib-cage distraction in the treatment of early onset scoliosis.
Teli M, Lovi A, Brayda-Bruno M. Ind J Orthop 2010 Jan;44(1):23-7.
Look at the PDF file - Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: complementary techniques for the treatment of painful osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. A prospective non-randomised study on 154 patients.
Lovi A, Teli M, Ortolina A, Costa F, Fornari M, Brayda-Bruno M. Eur Spine J. 2009;18(Suppl 1):S95-101.
Look at the PDF file - Agenesia lombare. Analisi della letteratura e follow-up di un caso dalla diagnosi intrauterina alla ricostruzione vertebrale.
Teli M, Vincitorio F, Baruffaldi-Preis F, Gobetti F, Lombardo G, Brayda-Bruno M. GIOT [Ital J Orthop Traum] 2008; 34:S381-384. - Scoliosi neuropatica. Il trattamento della scoliosi neuropatica con strumentario di terza generazione.
Cinnella P, Teli M, Lovi A, Vincitorio F, Brayda-Bruno M. GIOT [Ital J Orthop Traum] 2008; 34:S385-388.
Look at the PDF file - Lumbar surgical approaches for nonfusion techniques.
Brayda-Bruno M, Gobetti F, Lovi A, Teli M. In: Nonfusion technologies in spinal surgery. 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia USA. - La chirurgia mini-invasiva del disco lombare.
Brayda-Bruno M, Lovi A, Teli M, Vincitorio F, Grava G. GIOT [Ital J Orthop Traum] 2006; 32:S32-36.
Look at the PDF file - Spinal fusion with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation for neuropathic scoliosis in patients with cerebral palsy.
Teli M, Cinnella P, Vincitorio F, Lovi A, Grava G, Brayda-Bruno M. Spine 2006 Jun 15;31(14):E441-7.
Look at the PDF file - Prevalence and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in renal haemodialysis.
Teli M, Bidwell J, Kinninmonth A, Zoccali C. Chir Organi Mov. 2005 Jul-Sep;90(3):287-96. - Influence of the diameters of tendon graft and bone tunnel in hamstring ACL reconstruction. A bovine model.
Teli M, Chiodini F, Sottocasa R, Villa T. Chir Organi Mov. 2005 Jul-Sep;90(3):281-5. - Neuromuscular scoliosis treated by segmental third-generation instrumented spinal fusion.
Teli M, Elsebaie H, Biant L, Noordeen H. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2005 Oct;18(5):430-8.
Look at the PDF file - Radiographic outcome of vertebral bone bruise associated with fracture of the thoracic and lumbar spine in adults.
Teli M, de Roeck N, Horowitz MD, Saifuddin A, Green R, Noordeen H. Eur Spine J. 2005 Aug;14(6):541-5. - Spondylocostal dysostosis. 13 new cases treated by conservative and surgical means.
Teli M, Hosalkar H, Gill I, Noordeen H. Spine. 2004 Jul 1;29(13):1447-51.
Look at the PDF file - Evaluation of the “Hemocue” portable haemoglobinometer after major joint arthroplasty.
Teli M, Ng Y, Ingram R. J Arthroplasty 17(2): 224, 2002.
Look at the PDF file - The Mitchell bunionectomy. A prospective study of 60 consecutive cases utilizing single K-wire fixation.
Teli M, Grassi F, Montoli C, Moalli S, Pazzaglia UE. J Foot Ankle Surg 40(3):144, 2001. - Treatment of tibial shaft fractures with Intramedullary Elastic Nail. A prospective study of 23 cases.
Zatti G., Teli M., Ferrario A., Surace MF, Cherubino P. Int Orthop Trauma 2-1: 35, 1999. - Treatment of closed humeral shaft fractures with Intramedullary Elastic Nail.
Zatti G., Teli M., Ferrario A., Cherubino P. J Trauma 45 (6): 1046, 1998.
Look at the PDF file - Arthroresis in flexible flatfoot treatment: comparative follow-up of two methods.
Zatti G., Teli M., Moalli S., Montoli C. Foot Ankle Surg 4:219, 1998. - Bipolar dislocation of clavicle: report of a case and literature review.
Grassi F., Lodi M., Teli M. Ital J Orthop Traum [GIOT] 6:134, 1997. - The role of Roxatidine on neuromuscular transmission.
Bossa M., Galatulas I., Teli M. et al. In vivo 7:25, 1995.